Aromafume 3 Dosha Mattoncini Incenso Premium Brick - Niente fumo e cenere - clorophilla-shop

Aromafume 3 dosha bricks incense premium brick - no smoke and ash

€13,50 Sale Save

Aromafume 3 dosha bricks incense - no smoke and ash

9 Incense bricks each for Vata, Kapha and Pitta Dosha Balance.

Present throughout the body, the 3 Doshas govern all the processes of the body, from physical to emotional ones. The set of 3 Aromafume Dosha incense bricks is a pre-cured gift set made with natural ingredients from sustainable sources that will use the power of the aromatic to balance your doshas and improve physical, emotional and spiritual well-being

According to Ayurveda, the 5 elements of life - space, fire, water, air and earth, combine to form energy patterns known as Dosha. Doshas are vital energies or humor, which control the body. Doshas influence the shape of the body, body tendencies, mind and emotions. The balance of the doshas regularly has a positive impact on long -term well -being for the inner self.

Use this incense, low in smoke and non -toxic, positioning a brick of incense on the copper slab of our personalized exotic burner while lighting a light candle under it. These bricks are traditionally prepared using natural materials from sustainable sources for their aromatic and detergent properties.

3x40g packaging

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