Fragrances & Sens Sapone Tradizionale Ylang Ylang - 100g - clorophilla-shop

Fragrances & Sensi Sensi Sapone Ylang Ylang - 100g

€5,90 Sale Save

Toning and relaxing at the same time ... it may seem paradoxical, but Ylang Ylang's essential oil helps both to relax and recharge thanks to its stimulating and anti-fatic action (physical, nervous and mental). Less known for its positive action against peaks of stress, nervousness and anxiety. 

Ingredients: Sodium palm tree, sodium palm kemelato, water, palm acid, glycerin, kemal acid of palm, sodium chloride, tetrarasodine ethidronate, fragrance, c147005, phenoxiethanol, iodopropinil butilcarbamate

Weight 100g

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