Goloka Nature's Meditation Incenso in bastoncini - Meditazione - Stick 15g - clorophilla-shop
Goloka Nature's Meditation Incenso in bastoncini - Meditazione - Stick 15g - clorophilla-shop
Goloka Nature's Meditation Incenso in bastoncini - Meditazione - Stick 15g - clorophilla-shop
Goloka Nature's Meditation Incenso in bastoncini - Meditazione - Stick 15g - clorophilla-shop

Goloka Nature's Meditation incense in sticks - Meditation - Stick 15g

€2,80 Sale Save

Incense in sticks ofGolokanature's Meditation

Goloka incense - Meditation nature is a fragrant incense mixed with herbs, aromatic roots, honey and natural oils.

It is a very popular incense imported from India and made with absolutely natural ingredients and the best quality.

Amount: 15 gram case (15 20 cm sticks)

Duration:30 minutes about


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