Super soddisfatta del mio acquisto!! Il profumatore è esteticamente bellissimo e la fragranza ottima! Tempi di consegna top! Consiglio assolutamente di acquistare su questo sito.
One of the main properties of this stone is linked to its ability to increase decision -making power of a person. On the physical level, on the other hand, it works quite well on a physical level e strengthen the immune system.
The bad is used by acting or singing the mantras. It is important that our thoughts are pure as we recite or sing the mantra. The mantra is the practical use of secret forces that can help us progress. By Mantra we mean a pre -established sequence of syllables. The effect is obtained by repeating the mantra over and over again; This becomes deeper, as you continue to act. Essential is the sound that is produced while acting. This sound creates a unique spiritual imprint on the person who is acting. They say that a mantra is like a human being; There are various phases to cross before reaching the final effect which is the "purification of mental impressions". There are various mantras with an intrinsic potential; this can only be transferred only by the master to the initiate. These are the so -called "Siddha Mantras ". Some Mala have two clips with the images of Vajra and Campana to keep the recited mantra rosaries. In Buddhism, the symbolic meaning of these images is "method and wisdom, the male and female principle". The animal bone represents the transitory state of all beings.
Super soddisfatta del mio acquisto!! Il profumatore è esteticamente bellissimo e la fragranza ottima! Tempi di consegna top! Consiglio assolutamente di acquistare su questo sito.