Nobleza Gaucha - Yerba Mate in the 500gr and 1kg packaging
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Nobleza Gaucha is a sweet and little bitter Yerba.
Produced in Argentina.
Studies conducted by important institutes such as the Paris Pastaur show that the Mate infusion contains practically all the vitamins necessary for human sustenance, It is a metabolic detoxifying, a powerful antioxidant Thanks to the action of 11 polyphenols, it prevents cell aging, it is an antidepressant, energizing and natural tonic.
Thanks to a substance similar to caffeine: Matein, it promotes concentration and celebratory activity, is An alternative drink to coffee but without its negative effects. Even if there are no studies that certify its truthfulness, it seems that Yerba Mate has Good slimming properties And for this reason it is used as an integral part of some slimming diets in order to enhance its effect.
We can therefore almost say that the Yerba Mate, Thanks to its diuretic and satiant properties of appetite, it brings really benefits to those who want to lose weight. Obviously it cannot be exceeded as with all things, even if natural.
Way of use:
The Mate can be prepared in the same way you do tea Or following the ritual that the first Indian tribes used to consume the leaves of this plant with particular properties.
For the preparation of the Mate according to the rules of the ritual, you must have a special container available with a pumpkin, in wood or even in metal that takes the name of "Mate", "Porongo" or "Matero"; This container is used both for the preparation of the Mate and to drink it.
The other tool that must be arranged for is the "bombilla", a generally metal straw which at one end has a wider part equipped with a special filter whose function is to prevent the fragments of leaves from finishing in the mouth.
With these tools available, it is sufficient to fill the container with Yerba Mate leaves and pour over the boiling water which will then have to be left to rest for a few minutes before being drunk via the straw.
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