Rough amethyst of Brazil - 4-8cm stone
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Rough amethyst
Ideal for meditation and to improve psychic abilities. Lametista has a great influence calming, protects and inspires. (*)
For health:To calm the headache, it is recommended to caress the forehead, the temples with one side of the crystal, then apply it for a few minutes between the eyebrows. Do the same for Linsonnia. Excellent for those who study, for those who are stressed from work
For the house: And a protective stone for the home, takes away the negativity and moves away the misfortunes: excellent a pyramid or a geode of Amethyst to have peace and serenity in the house.
For the psyche: From the old texts it appears, that the bladeist can stimulate the deepest ability to love, open the mind and heart giving clarity. It helps us in our inferiority complexes giving us confidence. Increase mnemonic skills, promoting the concentration damn legoism. Stimulates and strengthens lame. Increases the will to fight. It develops Linduition. It takes away the fears. It gives passion and helps to forget the pains. Prophetic dreams propitious. Helps in meditation
And the pure stone. It is an amulet for lovers, for Daffari men, for students, for those who play the lot.
The pieces of natural and raw amethyst can be used for healing sessions, such as decoration or on your altar.
Note: this is a natural product, therefore the color, the shape and dimensions vary and can differ from the image shown.
Country of origin: Brazil
The crystals of Amethyst They have a spiritual quality and can be used to help individuals draw on higher levels of consciousness. It can serve as a bridge between physical and ethereal frequencies, creating an opening towards lighting. (*)
Natural raw mineral crystals are gifts from Mother Earth
They have been appreciated by man for centuries as healing objects. Natural minerals are also powerful energizing in Feng Shui. For those who do not know, it is believed that the crystals (fossilized minerals) contain several healing properties. From bringing peace to mind to fighting depression, the list seems to be infinite. They were also used in ancient forms of medicine and priests to align the body's chakras. Using crystals as an effective form of self-cura is becoming incredibly popular.
* This information has not been scientifically demonstrated; It is based on the experiences of users and therapists. Any healing properties described are in no way intended to replace the diagnosis or treatment aside a qualified therapist or by a doctor.
Stone size: 5-8cm Variable
N.B The price indicated is for single stone
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