Aromafume White Sage Smudge Spray - Set 6 Spray Ambiente alla Salvia Bianca Pulizia Aura e Profumazione Stanza - clorophilla-shop
Aromafume White Sage Smudge Spray - Set 6 Spray Ambiente alla Salvia Bianca Pulizia Aura e Profumazione Stanza - clorophilla-shop
Aromafume White Sage Smudge Spray - Set 6 Spray Ambiente alla Salvia Bianca Pulizia Aura e Profumazione Stanza - clorophilla-shop
Aromafume White Sage Smudge Spray - Set 6 Spray Ambiente alla Salvia Bianca Pulizia Aura e Profumazione Stanza - clorophilla-shop
Aromafume White Sage Smudge Spray - Set 6 Spray Ambiente alla Salvia Bianca Pulizia Aura e Profumazione Stanza - clorophilla-shop
Aromafume White Sage Smudge Spray - Set 6 Spray Ambiente alla Salvia Bianca Pulizia Aura e Profumazione Stanza - clorophilla-shop
Aromafume White Sage Smudge Spray - Set 6 Spray Ambiente alla Salvia Bianca Pulizia Aura e Profumazione Stanza - clorophilla-shop
Aromafume White Sage Smudge Spray - Set 6 Spray Ambiente alla Salvia Bianca Pulizia Aura e Profumazione Stanza - clorophilla-shop

Aromafume White Sage Smudge Spray - Set 6 Spray Environment with Sage White Wales Cleaning Aura and Room fragrance

€28,50 Sale Save

White Sage Smudge Spray Gift Aromafume set - Environment spray

Perfumes: Sage White, Salvia & Rosa, Salvia & Lavanda, Salvia & Palo Santo, Salvia & Incense, Salvia & Sandalo

Purifies your home with a stagnant negative energy with some splashes of natural white sage spray aromafume. This sacred fog offers all the benefits of the smudge, but smoke without smoke. It leaves a light pleasant aroma that gently dissipates into space, creating a feeling of calm and freshness.

Spray to induce: roots, purity, intimacy and protection

White sage, also known as sacred sage, is an evergreen shrub widely known for its herbal and healing properties. It is traditionally combined with a range of herbs, woods and plants for various purposes. The range of spray for sugging white sage of the California of Aromafume is a smoke -free alternative for traditional smudges, made with white sage extracts (botanical name: sage apiana) and essential oils in perfect balance.

A gift of discovery, our pre-cored set contains six sprays for smudges made with love to cure and bless. White Sage will purify, mature and calm the mind. Rose & Sage accentuates intimacy, sensuality and positivity. Lavenda and sage will relax, protect and calm the mind. Sage and sandalwood will calm an anxious mind and promote better mental health and well -being. Sage & Palo Santo will reproach negativity and facilitate emotional detoxification. When it is mixed with incense, sage provides a therapeutic thrust that relaxes, relieves and leaves you with a positive mentality.

Use this spray for non -alcoholic smoke without fabric and home. Thus, enhanced with the power to purify the mind, body, soul and space; This set of 6 spray for diffusion is a must to experience the creation of a positive aura directly at your home

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