Cacahuatl Infuso Cioccolato e Rum Artigianale 100% Organico Origine Kenya - barattolo da 100g - clorophilla-shop

Cacahuatl Chocolate infusion and 100% organic artisan rum origin Kenya - 100g jar

€13,50 Sale Save

Cacahuatl infusion chocolate and 100% organic artisan rum

Two intense flavors, a perfect combination for a pleasant result pleasant on the palate. The spicy perfume of the rum softens thanks to the aromatic notes of chocolate, bleeding harmoniously into an exquisitely exotic taste.

Since ancient times, the noble fruit obtained from the cocoa plant was considered a precious food. Among the Mayans, the legendary drink that was obtained by mixing hot water and cocoa, was in fact reserved for the privileged members of the company: nobles, warriors and sovereigns. 

One of the theories on the origin of the word "chocolate" is linked to the original preparation based on hot water and cocoa (water = huatl and hot = chacau) from which the name Cacahuatl derived


100g sealed jar

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Customer Reviews

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Elisabetta SCOTTI
Che sorpresa

Acquistato per curiosità.. corteccia di cacao, scaglie di cioccolato fondente e rum.... Che dire..
Appena arrivato ho aperto la latta ed una esplosione di aroma di rum.
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