Flora Perpetua Cedar Needles Incenso 100% Naturale a Base di Erbe - Aghi di Tuia Americana 30ml - clorophilla-shop

Flora Perpetua Cedar Needles 100% natural incense based on herbs - American Tuia needles 30ml

€6,30 Sale Save



Natural incense can be used for various purification rites. It is suitable to burn on the charcoals or in the special incense burns.

Packaging: glass bottle with cork cork. Label in Dutch, English, German, Italian, French and Spanish. 
Product in: Germany


Western red cedar (Thuja Plicata)
For this incense you can make the same considerations valid for Virginia juniper. This tree, which can live so far more than a thousand years of age, has the same matheal and spiritual properties as cedar wood; It is also often used to honor the spirits of plants. It has the property of acting as a bridge between the earth and the sky, between the body and the spirit. "From a strong connection the harmony arises".

Element: earth
Main effect on: feelings


Suitable to be burned on a heat -resistant saucer with charcoal or on an incense burning with sieve. The combbuitone process on a burning with a sieve is slower than the charcoal. You can easily mix the incense with other varieties of incense. Cines are also available to light the coal safe, pliers to handle the sieve, a steel brush to clean the sieve and a phelical feather for the aroma of the aroma. A 125 mm sieve can also be suitable for a burning essences, removing the cup. 


*This information has not been scientifically proven, is based on the experience of users and therapists. In case of doubts about health, consult a doctor.

Weight g 8
Content ml 30
Total Weight G 28

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