Goloka Dragon Blood Incenso in bastoncini - Stick 15g - clorophilla-shop

Goloka Dragon Blood incense in sticks - Stick 15g

€2,80 Sale Save

Dragon Blood Goloka sticks are perfumed incense mixed with Herbs, aromatic roots, honey and natural oils.

It is a very popular incense imported from India and made with absolutely natural ingredients and the best quality.

Dragon's blood is a rubber -colored rubbery resin that is obtained from the natural cracks of the cortex or by engravings practiced on the trunk or on the branches of the Daemonorops Draco. 

It is widely used in Hodoo and Voodoo.

It is associated with Mars and the energy of fire. 

It is in close analogy with male energy.



  • Intense and persistent fragrance.

  • Exorcizes evil, freeing the environment from negative energies.

  • It is perfect to use in love rituals, to make sexual ligaments and keep your loved one linked to itself.

  • Favors good luck.

  • It increases courage, strength and determination in overcoming obstacles, enemies and difficult situations.

  • Suitable for magical rituals to propitiate healing, luck, money, love.

  • Purifies the environment before and after a ritual.

  • It protects the operator during the invocation rituals, evocation and exorcism. 

  • It enhances the power of any other incense, enchantment and ritual.

The aromatic fumes that are released by burning incense induce recollection and reflection and favor meditation.

Duration: 30 minutes about

Origin: India

Hand -made incense in India.


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