Lo Scarabeo PENDULUM Magic in Motion - Kit con pendolo, tavola da divinazione e istruzioni - Edizione multilingue

The Scarabeo Pendulum Magic in Motion - Kit with pendulum, divination table and instructions - Multilingual edition

€18,00 Sale Save

The Scarabeo Pendulum Magic in Motion - Kit with pendulum, divination table and instructions - Multilingual edition

A new mini-kit containing all the traditional aspects of the pendulum, accompanied by more modern, meditative and emotional methods. The two -sided dashboard allows you to use different techniques depending on the needs: the first side and dedicated to traditional reading, while the second houses a dial with the colors of the chakras.

Valeria Menozzi,
Includes 1 pendulum and 1 divination table.
Instructions. Multilingual edition. 


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