Tibetan Mala in Amethyst, Adventurine and Rocca crystal with OM and Nappa pendant - Rosary necklace 108 pearls
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Necklace with 108 beads of amethyst, blue adventurine and light quartz, and OHM pendant (*)
It can also be used as bad to count mantra. In cotton bag.
THE'Amethyst It has a spiritual quality that can be used to help draw on higher levels of consciousness. It can serve as a bridge between the physical and ethereal kingdom. (**)
THE'Adventurine It helps you make your dreams come true. Stimulates the decision -making process, enthusiastic effort and creativity. (**)
The Rock crystal It is a powerful healing and energizing stone. Stimulates clarity of thought and perception. It helps you connect with your inner wisdom. Purifies and strengthens both the energy and physical body, such as the immune system. (**)
A bad is originally a Hinduist and Buddhist tool for prayer and meditation. It is used to count mantras during meditation. A mantra is a set of words, often from the Sanskrit, which is repeated several times, traditionally 108. While it is repeated, we focus on the meaning and vibration of words, possibly combined with the view that accompanies them. By training in a meditation practice like this, thoughts rest and the body relaxes. Nowadays, a bad man is also worn as a fashion accessory.
* This product is free of nickel, lead and cadmium, which means that these elements are not present or in the limited quantities allowed by the European product safety standards.
** This information has not been scientifically proven; They are based on experiences of users and therapists. All the healing properties described are in no way intended to replace the diagnosis or treatment by a therapist or qualified doctor. In case of doubts about your health, consult a doctor.
The mala with 108 grains is used by acting or singing the mantra. 108 is the ideal number for any purpose. It is important that our thoughts are pure as we recite or sing the mantra. The mantra is the practical use of secret forces that can help us progress. By Mantra we mean a pre -established sequence of syllables. The effect is obtained by repeating the mantra over and over again; This becomes deeper, as you continue to act. Essential is the sound that is produced while acting. This sound creates a unique spiritual imprint on the person who is acting. They say that a mantra is like a human being; There are various stages to cross before reaching the final effect which is the "purification of mental impressions". There are various mantras with intrinsic potential; This can be transferred only personally by the master to the initiate. These are the so -called "siddha mantras". Some bad people have two clips with the images of Vajra and Campana to keep the rosaries of Mantra recited. In Buddhism, the symbolic meaning of these images is "method and wisdom, the male principle and female". The animal bone represents the transitory state of all beings.
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