Netta Lingua in rame - Tradizione Orientale - clorophilla-shop

Clear tongue in copper - Eastern tradition

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The daily cleaning of the tongue is a consolidated practice in the East, slower instead to take hold in the West. Still, language cleaning is an essential part of oral hygiene.

The surface of our language continuously produces a patina made up of dead cells, residues of food and hundreds of thousands of bacteria, living and dead, together with chemicals such as the sulfur produced by these bacteria. Scholars have come to the conclusion that there is an average concentration of 100 bacteria for each epithelial cell of the language, a very full -bodied bacterial population. If left on the tongue, this patina becomes thick and constitutes one of the main causes of the bad breath. As a secondary effect, when the taste buds are covered by residues and chemicals, the sense of taste is also influenced. This unpleasant taste increases when certain foods or drinks are consumed and small quantities are added to this potpourri already present on the surface of the language. Finally, but not less important, many of us sleep with our mouth open, which translates into a bad flavor and a dry mouth in the morning.

Brush the tongue with the toothbrush somehow helps to reduce the patina on the tongue, but the scraper is much more effective. If you don't believe it, try it yourself: first use the toothbrush to clean the surface of the tongue, then use the scraper and look at the amount of residues that remained after brushing.

Language cleaning is a very easy and quick procedure. Put your scraper on the bottom and in the center of the tongue, being careful not to go too far, where there are many papilles, and move it forward, gently removing the layer of residues. Rinse the scraper under running water, then gently pass the sides of the tongue. There is no need to scrape strongly. Repeat the procedure until you see any patina anymore, then rinse your mouth with the water. It is advisable to do this operation morning and evening. If you feel a discomfort in the mouth, as dryness or unpleasant taste, it can often help a cleaning of the tongue even at noon. It is a good practice especially if you have had an important stress, since the patina on the language tends to increase with stress.

The cleaning that we propose is made in India in traditional copper. The scraper lasts over time and envelops the surface of the tongue with ease, keep it with both hands to facilitate its use. The operation usually requires only three steps: on the one hand, in the center, on the other side. Wash the residues from your scraper and pass it on the central part still gently. If there are no residues, you have finished your language cleaning. There is no need to repeat the infinity operation! Rinse your mouth well, with clean water or with a co conspector made naturally.

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