Rosa di Jericho 6/9 cm Mexico origin - symbol of peace, happiness, love, long life and luck

Rosa di Jericho 6/9 cm Mexico origin - symbol of peace, happiness, love, long life and luck

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The rose of Gerico It has something mystical and fascinating that depends largely on the peculiarity of this plant and the legend linked to it. There are those who say that he even contains supernatural powers and that the secret of immortality is kept in it.


Seen the high symbolic value which represents the rebirth, the plant is donated on special occasions such as degrees, baptisms, weddings and communions.

Finally, the water of Gerico's rose is used since ancient times as a natural remedy for the menstrual pain and encourage the fertility in women.


If you observe it, Gerico's rose remains closed in a curl when he has no water available and returns to hatch as soon as he gets irrigated it. Even the color passes from the tones of brown to those of the intense green, which is also its original color.

Perhaps this is why the golden of positivity Which envelops this special plant has remained intact until the present day. In Europe, in fact, cultivating a jeric rose at home means propitiating the happiness within the home. In short, the presence of this plant has always been linked to serenity, peace and resurrection and is a symbol of long life.


At first glance, Gerico's rose looks like a bulb. It is precisely the irrigation water, in relation to temperature and quantity, which determines the color of the plant. Learn to respect his natural cycles It is therefore essential to cultivate it at best.


Irrigation water He must wet all the roots well but must not remain in contact with the bulb for more 3 consecutive days. After this period, the plant must dry completely and gradually you will see it hatches and change color. When the plant is completely open, it demonstrates a formidable capacity of absorb bad smells in the surrounding environment.

Subsequently the Rosa di Gerico will dry out Completely until you take on an aspect very similar to what she had at the time of purchase. At this point you can decide to keep it dehydratedOr to put it back in the water. In the latter case, wait at least 15 days.


Yes, because being a plan of the desert La Rosa di Gerico is very suitable for aridity and torrid climates, so it can live without being watering for a very long time. He dies with the arrival of the sorcean season and trims with the first rain.

Following his rhythm of cyclical openings and closures With the right contribution of water, you can keep your Gerico rose in all its beauty for a long time, or even forever.

Rosa di Gerico: how to make it bloom?

Given these premises, know that to make your Gerico rose flourish you will have to immerse it in a bowl or in a sauce with a sauce Half centimeter of warm water. The external temperature must not be at least 15 degrees centigrade and the ideal habitat is enough Wet, bright and ventilated.

Size: from 6 to 9cm

Origin: Mexico


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