Rosamonte Special - Yerba Mate Special Selection - 500g

Rosamonte Special - Yerba Mate Special Selection - 500g

€16,50 Sale Save

The Yerba Rosamonte Espelial is a traditional Yerba of excellent quality made up of leaves and stems.

The Yerba Rosamonte Espelial has matured for 24 months therefore 12 months more than the traditional Yerba Mate Rosamonte, this gives her greater sweetness and a more round taste in the mouth.

It is possible to recognize the Rosamonte Espenciale thanks to the blue strip at the top of the package (in this strip it is written "Seleccion Special").

The Yerba Mate It is a drink that is preparing with the dried leaves of Ilex Paraguanenis, a tree originally from South America known as Mate or Matè.

The name originates from "mati", the small pumpkins used in the preparation of the Yerba Mate.

Mate's infusion or herbal tea In fact, it is made by arranging the mate grass in a pumpkin (generally covered in leather or decorated with drawings or carvings) on which hot water is poured.

The drink is then consumed thanks to a special straw called "bombilla".

In the countries of origin, the Mate or Matè And consumed like our coffee for the stimulating and toned action. For therapeutic purposes, Yerba Mate is used In case of asthenia And overweight.

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