Crystal sphere on wood 6cm - divinatory instrument - crystal therapy

Crystal sphere on wood 6cm - divinatory instrument - crystal therapy

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There crystal sphere is A famous divinatory tool. It is used by the fortune tellers and mediums to see in the future but also in the past of a person. By wanting to actually you can use these spheres with excellent results even in meditation, to facilitate your practice.

The practice of reading the future is very ancient but it seems that the crystal sphere belongs to the early Middle Ages period. The first documented sphere is that of John Dee who said he received this divinatory object from an angel, with the left of stay in connection with the other angels. This beryllium sphere today is kept at the British Museum with the support that was used during the practice.

How to use the crystal sphere

The crystal sphere is used for ricy visions. Those who use it says they see the images and symbols that allow you to understand what will happen in the future but also what has happened in the past. Other times, however, with the sphere you can not see the past or the future but simply symbols to be interpreted to get to a key message are obtained. There are still those who use this divinatory tool to speak with deceased people, or with supernatural entities.


Read the crystal sphere I Medium and the Sensitives. They do it to read the future. However, if you also want to use this tool in your practice but with more "land" purposes. For example, small spheres are very useful to keep in your hands during meditative practice or you can keep it at home with the aim of purifying energy.

Supplied with wooden base. Size 6cm

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